Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Hello from Ms. Martin and Mrs. O!

Did you know that your teachers go to school while you are on vacation?  Ms. Martin and Mrs. O took a class at college together this June.  They are learning how to be better reading teachers.  They wanted to say hello and show you that they have been reading lots of books this summer.  Here is a picture of them at college reading!  They want to know, have you been reading EVERY DAY?  They have been reading every day.  Sometimes they read just for fun, and sometimes they read to learn something new.  They are reading fiction and non-fiction books.  They can't wait to see you at the Picnic on July 9th.  What do you think they are reading?  Who do you think will read more books this summer?  You?  Mrs. O.?  Ms. Martin?  We will find out when you come back to school this fall as big First Graders.  Bring your favorite book you read this summer to show Mrs. O. and Ms. Martin.  Don't forget to read at least 20 minutes each day!